Facilities Management Center
4118 Franklin Way

MEP Design For New Administrative Offices
Site and Landscape Design

Colonial Middle School
Courtyard and Classroom HVAC Design
Boiler Replacement Design

Plymouth Elementary School
Boiler Replacement Design Project
HVAC Design, Construction Management

Colonial Elementary School 
Boiler Replacement  Design Project

Ridge Park Elementary School
Library HVAC System Design

Plymouth Whitemarsh High School Stadium
Turf Field and Track Design
MEP for Comfort Stations
Stadium Entrance, Bleacher and Press Box Upgrade Design

Victory Fields I and II
Turf Field Design
Lighting Design for Fields and Tennis Courts
MEP Design for Comfort Station

Additional Projects:
Fire Alarm Systems Design Projects at various schools and facilities in the school district.

Professional Engineeers licensed in Pennylvania, New Jersey, New York, Delaware and Maryland

PCS Engineering 

31 Park Avenue, Oreland, PA 19075 | Phone: 215.572.6600 | Fax: 215.572.6800